Category: Announcements
All the latest announcements from us
August 3, 2020 – Provincial Training Center-Calumpit/BMLTC Flag Raising Ceremony
Provincial Training Center-Calumpit/BMLTC Flag Raising Ceremony headed by PTC Calumpit’s Center Administrator Gilbert Castro followed by news, updates, and safety protocols in the workplace. This is in line with the TESDA Abot Lahat guiding...
Tesda Ptc Calumpit Center Administrator Gilbert M. Castro accepted the #GrowYourOwnFood Challenge! We encourage everyone to start planting! you dont need a large area to start, you can use your idle space at your home or grab a used...
TESDA TRES #GrowYourOwnFood Challenge
Tesda Region III Update! #GrowYourOwnFoodChallenge, Version 19.0 (Organic Personnel Entries). I’d like to thank first the Administrator of PTC (Tesda Ptc Calumpit), Gilbert Castro for encouraging his six(6) personnel, Agnes Domingo, Rina Pulasan, Renata...
BMLTC Flag Raising Ceremony Monday, July 20, 2020
Provincial Training Center-Calumpit/BMLTC Flag Raising CeremonyMonday, July 20, 2020 #TESDAAbotLahat#ilovePTCCalumpit#roadtoprogress#WeHealAsOne#BeatCOVID19
TESDA PTC-Calumpit Update!
TESDA Region III! Update! San Mig Foods, Inc., a subsidiary of San Miguel Corp. thru its regional field office in San Fernando, Pampanga donated 5,000 fresh eggs to the Municipality of Calumpit, Bulacan on...
TESDA PTC-Calumpit Update!
TESDA Region III! Update! San Mig Foods, Inc., a subsidiary of San Miguel Corp. thru its regional field office in San Fernando, Pampanga donated 3,000 fresh eggs to Barangay Sindalan, City of San Fernando,...
TESDA PTC Calumpit donates 120 pcs. of facemasks
Tesda Region III Update! TESDA PTC Calumpit in cooperation with ATEC TC Guiguinto (ATEC Technological College) and Kabalikat-Civicom Bulacan donates 120 pcs. of facemasks to Hagonoy PNP. May 4, 2020 This is in line with the TESDA Abot...
TESDA PTC Calumpit harvested vegetables and greens to their Mini Organic Farm and distributed to the Job Orders and nearby residents
Tesda Region III Update! TESDA PTC Calumpit harvested vegetables and greens to their Mini Organic Farm and distributed to the Job Orders and nearby residents. April 24, 2020. This is in line with the TESDA Abot...
Donated and distributed the 115 pcs. of fabricated facemasks and 152 facemasks and 2.3 liters of hand sanitizer
Tesda Region III Update! TESDA PTC Calumpit in cooperation with Atec TC Guiguinto led by TESDA PTC-Calumpit Center Administrator Gilbert Castro and ATEC Technological College President Ed Santiago donated and distributed the 115 pcs. of fabricated facemasks to Calumpit District Hospital and...