TESDAbot Lahat means that the agency aims to expand and strengthen its mandate and services to all… to reach out and serve new partners and clients with a clear objective… to transform and improve lives for the better.
The encircled human figure represents TESDA. It is depicted as a “deliverer and partner” mandated to serve the needs of industry and different social groups who are considered poor, underprivileged and undereducated mired in poverty and hopelessness. These groups include unemployed adults, women, BJMP inmates, Indigenous People (IPs), drug addicts, former rebels, Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) and displaced industry workers, among others.
The red human figure being lifted represents priority groups/sectors needing immediate service/assistance from the agency. The other red human figure, on the left side, represents TESDA’s active partners from industry, government and foreign entities that eagerly share their expertise and resources to hasten the implementation of its mandated programs and services.
The slogan icon shall be applied and adopted in all printed and electronic promotional materials including official documents bearing TESDA’s corporate identity. The same slogan must be articulated in all events or activities organized and/or participated by the agency.